RCU Auto Services
About RCU Auto Services
RCU Auto Services is Car dealer in Sonoma County, California. You can find contact details, reviews, address here. RCU Auto Services is located at 3219 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95407. They are 4.6 rated Car dealer in Sonoma County, California with 80 reviews.
RCU Auto Services RCUAS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Redwood Credit Union. We sell preowned vehicles and offer an auto brokering service that can locate and deliver any new or used vehicle.RCUAS is focused on providing quality service, exceptional value, and personal care. We believe buying a new vehicle can be exciting and fun never stressful. Our sales advisors can help you find the right vehicle for your needs, at a price that fits your budget.Hours of Operation Virtual Sales are available daily, the showroom is open Monday through Friday a.m. to p.m., Saturday a.m. to p.m., and Sunday p.m. to p.m. You can also browse our inventory online.
RCU Auto Services Timings
Looking to visit RCU Auto Services at 3219 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95407? Consider checking the weekdays schedule timings before going.
Friday | 10AM–6PM |
Saturday | 10AM–5PM |
Sunday | 12–3PM |
Monday | Closed |
Tuesday | 10AM–6PM |
Wednesday | 10AM–6PM |
Thursday | 10AM–6PM |
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